Office 365

Create Alias email address in Office 365 for directory synced users

On a DirSync’d Office 365 environment, email address changes are managed in (on-premise) Active Directory (sync is a one-way sync) and cannot be done through the Office 365 / exchange portal To add an Email alias’ to a users account the AD attribute ‘Proxy Address’ must be updated and synced. …


Run Powershell Commands on remote computer

With Powershell remoting , you can run Powershell commands or access full Powershell sessions on remote windows system. By default this is not enabled so we have to enable Powershell remoting on a machine before it can be used. Will show you how to enable it on a domain PC …


Create a Powershell profile

A Powershell profile launches when you start Powershell. Bascially a profile is a function runs each time you open a Powershell session. As there are different ways to open Powershell (console, Powershell ISE, 3rd party app) , there are different profiles you can create. The profile is a feature of …

Office 365

Create a function to Connect to Office 365 and add to your powershell profile

Each time you want to run powershell commands to manage office 365 you need to load the relevant modules for each corresponding session (Office 365 admin center, SharePoint Online, Exchange Online, Skype for Business Online, and the Security & Compliance Center). Instead of running the relevant cmdlets each time create …

Active Directory

Fix “The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed”

Solution 1 from cmdline enter

  Source Solution 2 If machines has powershell v3 or above:


Office 365

Force Directory synchronization and verify

Force directory synchronization using Windows PowerShell You can use the directory synchronization Windows PowerShell cmdlet to force synchronization. The cmdlet is installed when you install the Directory Sync tool. 1. Log onto the server where the directory Sync tool is installed, start powershell as an Administrator or Create a Remote …

Office 365

Change an office 365 username synced with Active Directory

Office 365 usernames obtained from dirsync cannot be changed even if updated in Active directory. It maybe necessary to change them (eg, user gets married, entered incorrectly and synced). First, update in AD Next run powershell as an Administrator. You need to modify Microsoft windows azure directory (not exchange) 1. …